Hello! My name is Scout. I am a construction laborer who wants to help. I had a classmate pass away unexpectedly due to health complications after 10th grade, a few years later I was diagnosed with a blood disorder. My father was killed in an accident involving a drunk driver in 2021. These incidents, along with COVID-19, have brought me a close relationship with not only death but all sorts of issues. I created RSR Clothing as a way to help those close and far away from me. As of now, all products are print-on-demand. This means I do not handle the product or payment. I do not see any of your information (address, card info, etc.). Eventually, I want a "brick-and-mortar" building so I can have more control over production, designs, shipping, and such. Donations are specific to designs; percentage of profits from one design go to the issue that design was made for. Profits from products containing only the RSR logo go towards building the foundation of RSR. This includes design effort, securing a tangible business location, and making this my full-time gig.